HOME  »  Tanzania 2007 » 02Ngorongoro » 02MorningCrater »  Viewing 07IntoNgorongoro - 108     [Image 108 of 124]  :: Jump To  
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Comment: Augur Buzzard.

07IntoNgorongoro - 103 * Black-backed Jackal.

07IntoNgorongoro - 104 * Black-backed Jackal.

07IntoNgorongoro - 105 * Black-backed Jackal.

07IntoNgorongoro - 106 * Masai herding cattle on the crater floor.

07IntoNgorongoro - 107

Next slide
07IntoNgorongoro - 109 * Juvenille Long-crested Eagle.

07IntoNgorongoro - 110

07IntoNgorongoro - 111 * The Lerai Forest is losing its Acacia trees to disease and the elephants knock down the young trees before they can get established.

07IntoNgorongoro - 112 * Elephant.

07IntoNgorongoro - 113 * Elephant.

Copyright � 2007 Patricia E. Beebe and David R. Beebe (B2 Photo & Video).

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